Aside from giving you a chance to get to know me, the real purpose of this blog is a to be a space to share stories of people who really personify and epitomize love and kindness.
Today, I want to honor some people who were a true bright spot in a very sad time for me and my family. We recently lost our very beloved matriarch, my Nanny, Frances Mullen. She was a personal hero of kindness....but I'll return to that subject later when I don't turn into a blubbery mess just thinking about it. Today though, I'll tell you about the people who helped make this hard time a little easier. They have validated my faith in humanity, anew.
Let me introduce you to our neighbors, Chuck and Patty.
Beautiful Chuck and Patty
Now, I'll give you a little back story so you understand the depth of their generosity. I'm currently staying in sunny Florida with my Aunt, affectionately called Momo, and her boyfriend, Mark. My grandparents, aka Nanny and Pop-pop, are snow birds and also live with us. Mo and Mark have only lived in this house for about a year and a half, I've only been here a few months, and my grandparents have only stayed here maybe 8 months, collectively.
The whole gang just a few weeks ago (plus my sister, Delaney, and her husband, Andrew).
Chuck and Patty haven't known any of us very long. It's not like they're life-long neighbors and we've developed a familial relationship over-time. In truth, I've only met Chuck briefly in passing and just met Patty for the first time when she was bringing over the feast they prepared for us after my Nanny passed. And I truly mean a feast. They prepared individual filet mignons for each of us, lobster tails (that Chuck caught himself that very morning), baked sweet potatoes, green beans, roasted brussel sprouts and then, twenty minutes later, they returned with an apple crisp straight from the oven. Now honestly, I would have been beyond touched by a casserole or baked ziti, but filet mignon and lobster tails?!?! For a family that doesn't usually dine so lavishly (in fact, Pop-pop said the last time he had lobster tail was 35 years ago at his niece's wedding) the meal was something exciting that momentarily took our mind off of our grief. I'm not sure if that was their intention, but it was special and so thoughtful. How many people do you know who would do that for their neighbors of only a year and a half? Furthermore, they offered to take care of the cat while we all flew to NJ for the services. Even more, the last few days my Nanny was in the hospital prior to her passing, the rest of us were stuck in bed with a horrendous case of the flu, and Chuck and Patty brought over containers of chicken soup for us. How incredibly nice is that? In a day and age when that kind of neighborly connection is very rare, I found their gestures of kindness to be so very touching, especially when we truly needed them most.
I also want to take a minute to tell you about the wonderful care and kindness my Nanny received at the hospital for the week prior to her passing. I typically think of nurses and hospital care staff fondly, but the staff in the cardiac unit of the Broward Health North really treated my Nanny like family and it made such a difference to her and to us. They spent extra time with her and always found ways to make her smile, even when seemingly impossible. Their patience seemed endless and their care was genuine. I don't know how they do it. Truly.
Gift basket full of goodies for the hospital staff that took care of Nanny.
The kindness and warmth of Chuck, Patty, the hospital staff, and all the wonderful people who have supported our family in this time reminds me of a rainbow on a gloomy day. A little bit magical and it always brings a smile to my face. So in honor of those special people, I designed a new rainbow necklace. I hope it brings you, or the person you give it to, a little brightness and magic.
The info card and packaging that comes with your rainbow necklace
I hope you'll share with me your stories about the people who brought a smile to your face when you were sad and lifted you up when you were down. These are the people who inspire me to be and more loving.
All my love,